Friday, May 20, 2011

Waiting for the Rapture

I was tempted to have a nice tirade about the peculiar brand of mental illness, narcissism and religious zealotry that produces individuals who, with a straight face, predict biblical fantasy. In the case of Harold Camping, you can probably add geriatric dementia to the mix. More unbelievable to me, is that anyone would take it seriously. And you know those people are out there. But, I decided that I live in secular Europe and this is a beer blog, so I will not sully this forum with my rants about the rants of lunatics.

Not letting the predictions of imminent doom spoil our fun, SWMBO and I are preparing for a little trip to Luxembourg this weekend. Looks like about 90 minutes by car, so SWMBO has printed out a circular route that should have us hitting a variety of sights along the way. Tomorrow night, a dinner at a Michelin Starred Restaurant in Luxemburg City. Sunday we visit two castles. (SWMBO likes castles) Then back to Brussels. I know I comment on this all the time, but the scale of Europe really makes trips like this enjoyable. Being in Brussels, we are close enough to most of Europe to make a trip easy in a two day weekend.

The approach of the Rapture calls for relaxing beverages. Tonight, mine is a Rame'e Amber from Brasserie De Brunehaut. I poured this beer into my standard Leffe tulip. It is a clear dark caramel color. A hint of sweetness with some mild hop, some spice and tobacco. At 7.5% it is not a strong beer by Belgian standards. This is a perfectly acceptable beer, but it lacks depth. It does not have a strong finishing component to take it to another level. Would I have it again? Probably not. With a fleet of Trappists on most menus and certainly in our markets, there is no reason to. Three Drunk Monks.

1 comment:

  1. And given that the end of days is upon us, you won't have the opportunity. :-)
