Sunday, October 16, 2011


SWMBO and I must really look like we know where we are going because we are magnets for people asking for directions. A typical sightseeing stroll for us results in at least one person and often many more stopping and asking us for directions. Usually in French. If we are in the center of Brussels, often, we can provide the directions providing we can communicate. Other times, not so much. Today was one of those times. We decided that the beautiful weather warranted a park visit but we decided to go to a different one for us, a large one near the Atomium. We wandered around for a while when a car pulled up next to us and a gentleman jumped out with a Bon Jour and asked us for directions. I had no idea where he wanted to go, but fortunately the next people he stopped did. From the looks of the hand gestures, he was pretty well lost. About 10 minutes later a little old man greeted us. Again with a Bon Jour and then asked where the Palais Royale was. I struggled for a couple of minutes trying to figure out how to say "I think it is down that road but I am not sure." in French. He then said to me, "You are not so good at this, the french". True little old man, true. But at least I was able to give him the correct directions, so I am not totally worthless.

The whole exchange got SWMBO and I talking while wandering the park grounds. If we had tried this expat thing 15 years ago, our experience would have been totally different. When I go to work, 90% of the time, everyone speaks english. It is accented, but it is still english. I come home from work and our cable package has in addition to the Flemish and French channels, the Discovery channel, History channel, E, ESPN and a variety of other essentially American and British channels. And of course, everything I read or download on the internet is essentially American generated. It is only when you head out to shop or go to restaurants that you really have the sense of foreignness. For me, it is almost like living in the US Monday through Friday and then weekending in Europe. So after living here for more than a year, my French has not gotten any better. SWMBO's Flemish is improving rapidly, but she has to be in the community more than me. She lives in Belgium full time. I am only a visitor.

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