Sunday, January 23, 2011


One of the fun things about moving to a new place, whether it is across town or across the Atlantic is the ability to change things up and develop new routines. For she who must be obeyed and I, this has involved Sunday Brunch. Where we lived in suburban Maryland, there were really no places where you could have a leisurely brunch. You always felt like you were being churned so they could free up the table. Our brunch spot is a little place near the Africa Museum called the Boothuis. It is right on the pond in Tervuren park, so it has a nice view and the food is really good. The best part is that we can sit, relax and enjoy the view without feeling like we have to hurry and move to the next thing.

Today it was a typically wet winter day, but we had a nice view of the ducks, roosters (and a few dogs in the restaurant). Our typical quiet, relaxing Sunday. After a brief, soggy walk it was time to pack up for my business trip.

I used to think that having most everything closed on Sundays would drive me nuts, but it is really the opposite. It is nice to have one no pressure day where you have no excuse to run errands or engage in excess commercial opportunities. Now it is off to Barcelona and London for business, but I think it is highly likely that next Sunday will find us back at the same place and probably eating the same thing.

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