Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Missing Spring Break

The Sun Devil started Spring Break today. She is heading back to Maryland to visit friends and see her mom. I think it is a little funny that while most people are racing for warmer weather, she is leaving the heat to head back to chilly MD. I originally was supposed to be in the US for a meeting this week but that got canceled, so I am not going to get to see her. Pretty bummed out about that, but will try to get back there in April (and maybe enjoy some warm Arizona weather).

Here in Belgium we are beginning to see some signs of Spring. Things are looking a little bit more green and the afternoons are starting to get warmer. There is also a dramatically longer day. You forget how far north we are in Belgium until you can measure the difference in amount of light each day in minutes. a couple of weeks ago, I would leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark. My hours haven't changed but the light certainly has.

So in a spring mood, I opened a Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA. I am a big fan of the hoppy astringency of an IPA and this is an interesting take. It is not like many super hopped IPA's that are made in the US. This is more mild and lightly hopped. It is clean and very drinkable. Definitely better than your average beer but as far as IPA's go, there are others I would reach for first. Three and a Helf Drunk Monks!!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if and when you make it to Tempe in April, would love to meet up with you and your wife!

