Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cultural Touchpoints

When you live in the US and speak to a foreigner, often they do not pick up on the cultural references and slang that is used in normal conversation. For instance a year ago, we had to explain to our Dutch Golfing buddy what a MILF was. How would he know, he speaks Dutch most of the time. There is probably a Dutch equivalent, but it would involve many paired vowels and 20 letter words. But I digress, my point is that when YOU are the foreigner, your speech patterns have to change. For instance, sports references. Two minute drill means nothing in Belgium. Neither does red zone, three strikes or YANKEES SUCK. Well, maybe that last one translates, they just switch Yankees for Man U. Media references might translate, but it really depends on the movie. Almost anything from the Schwarzenegger, Pacino or De Niro ouvre translates. Seinfeld, maybe. Will Farrel, Chris Farley, Chevy Chase, Not so much. What is weird is what American media makes it across the pond. The Kardashians, Toddlers and Tiaras and What not to Wear are in heavy rotation on the local cable. As are uncut versions of Entourage and Big Love. So just imagine what that stew of images makes the US look like.

Every day, I find myself using a term or slang and then having to stop and say , "sorry, what I mean is..." It is a learning process and it is probably making me a better communicator, but I am worried that when I return to the US, I will be clueless about the cultural references that will occur in my absence.

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